Food Fight Page 30
Potrykus visualized peasant farmers: J. Madeleine Nash, “This Rice Could Save a Million Kids a Year,” Time, July 31, 2000,,9171,997586,00.html.
In the end, Potrykus and his team: Pringle, Food Inc, 31–35; Amy Harmon, “Golden Rice: Lifesaver?” New York Times, August 24, 2013,
The journal Science announced: Mary Lou Guerinot, “The Green Revolution Strikes Gold,” Science 287, no. 5451 (January 14, 2000): 241–243.
Greenpeace, which had taken: “Field of Dreams: Potrykus’ Golden Rice,” Financial Times, February 25, 2000; see
In an article in The New York Times Magazine: Michael Pollan, “The Great Yellow Hype,” New York Times Magazine, March 4, 2011,
“the ‘selling’ of vitamin A”: Vandana Shiva, “Golden Rice: Myth, Not Miracle,” GMWatch, January 12, 2014,
And so it has gone: Christopher J. M. Whitty, Monty Jones, Alan Tollervey, and Tim Wheeler, “Biotechnology: Africa and Asia Need a Rational Debate on GM Crops,” Nature 497 (May 2, 2013): 31–33.
In August 2013, hundreds of protesters: Harmon, “Golden Rice: Lifesaver?”
Such research mirrored work: Frances Moore Lappé, Joseph Collins, and Peter Rosset, with Luis Esparza, World Hunger: Twelve Myths, Food First (New York: Grove Press, 1998), 61.
Borlaug has never been shy: Harvest of Fear, PBS Frontline/NOVA, April 23, 2001,
M. S. Swaminathan, a renowned: M. S. Swaminathan, “Perspective: The Challenges Ahead,” New Agriculturist 11 (April 1999),
Indeed, for every plant scientist: David Pimentel, “Changing Genes to Feed the World: A Review of Mendel in the Kitchen: A Scientist’s View of Genetically Modified Foods, by Nina Federoff and Nancy Marie Brown,” Science 306, no. 5697 (October 29, 2004): 815.
Catherine Ives, the scientist: Harvest of Fear, PBS Frontline/NOVA.
Monsanto boasts that it has already trained: Jonathan Gilbert, “In Paraguay, the Spread of Soy Strikes Fear in Hearts of Rural Farmers,” Time, August 9, 2013,; Christine MacDonald, “Green Going Gone: The Tragic Deforestation of the Chaco,” Rolling Stone, July 28, 2014,
Two years later, in 2012: Simon Romero, “Vast Tracts in Paraguay Forest Being Replaced by Ranches,” New York Times, March 24, 2012,; Tracy Barnett, “Paraguay Takes Hard Line on GMOs,” Huffington Post, September 1, 2010,
In Argentina, meanwhile, a woman: “Sofia Gatica,” The Goldman Environmental Prize, 2012,
“The problem is that there are very few”: Alfred Sommer, “Vitamin A Deficiency Disorders: Origins of the Problem and Approaches to Its Control,” AgBioWorld, 2011,
If anything, the prospect of climate change: Felix Chung, “The Search for the Rice of the Future,” from a special issue devoted to rice in “Nature Outlook,” a supplement to Nature 514, no. 7524 (October 30, 2014); Tim Folger, “The Next Green Revolution,” National Geographic, October 2014,
In 2015 alone, scientists published: Leigh Dayton, “Blue Sky Rice,” from a special issue devoted to rice in “Nature Outlook,” a supplement to Nature 514, no. 7524 (October 30, 2014).
In Kenya, farmers have: Rachel Cernansky, “The Rise of Africa’s Super Vegetables,” Nature, June 9, 2015,
Yet in June 2016, more than one hundred Nobel laureates: Joel Achenbach, “107 Nobel Laureates Sign Letter Blasting Greenpeace over GMOs,” Washington Post, June 29, 2016,
Chapter 8
Monsanto began testing Roundup Ready wheat: Justin Gillis, “Monsanto Pulls Plan to Commercialize Gene-Altered Wheat,” Washington Post, May 11, 2004,; Steven Mufson, “Monsanto Shares Fall as South Korea Joins Pause in Wheat Imports,” Washington Post, May 31, 2013,
Just ask Larry Bohlen: Marc Kaufman, “Biotech Critics Cite Unapproved Corn in Taco Shells,” Washington Post, September 18, 2000,
The results, in one case: Andrew Pollack, “Kraft Recalls Taco Shells with Bioengineered Corn,” New York Times, September 23, 2000,
To Larry Bohlen, it was entirely obvious: Harvest of Fear, PBS Frontline/NOVA.
Things have only gotten rockier: Francie Grace, “Anheuser-Busch Starts Rice War,” CBS News, April 13, 2005,
Suddenly, it was StarLink all over again: Richard Vanderford, “Bayer Settles Rice Contamination Suits for $750M,” Law360, July 1, 2011,; Steven Mufson, “Unapproved Genetically Modified Wheat from Monsanto Found in Oregon,” Washington Post, May 30, 2013,; Jonathan Randles, “Monsanto’s Legal Risk Sprouts as Asia Shuns Modified Wheat,” Law360, May 31, 2013,; “USDA Announces Close and Findings of Investigation in the Detection of Genetically Engineered Wheat in Oregon in 2013,” September 26, 2014,
“There are too many of us”: Wes Jackson, “Commencement Address: The Serious Challenge of Our Time,” University of Kansas, May 19, 2013,
Jared Diamond, the scientist and bestselling author: Jared Diamond, “The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race,” Discover, May 1987,
African Bushmen eat some seventy-five different wild plants: Ibid.
The Irish were so dependent: Richard Manning, Against the Grain (New York: North Point Press, 2005), 72–79.
Instead of the ecological desert: Lee DeHaan and David Van Tassel, “Useful Insights from Evolutionary Biology for Developing Perennial Grain Crops,” American Journal of Botany 101, no. 10 (2014): 1801–1819.
The idea seemed so obvious: “Biomimicry: Nature’s Alternative to Genetically Engineered Foods,” Environment and Ecology (2015),
Deep roots would also mean: Robert Kunzig, “Perennial Solution,” National Geographic, April 2011,
The work has been slow: Richard Harris, “Prairie Pioneer Seeks to Reinvent the Way We Farm,” National Public Radio, October 21, 2009.
bsp; In the early 1900s: Lance Gibson and Garren Benson, “Origin, History, and Uses of Oat (Avena sativa) and Wheat (Triticum aestivum),” Iowa State University, Department of Agronomy (rev. January 2002),
Claims from industrial corn companies: James Conca, “It’s Final: Corn Ethanol Is of No Use,” Forbes, April 20, 2014,
Chapter 9
the company has to feed most of the 569 million chickens: “Look What the Chicken Industry Is Doing for Delmarva,” Delmarva Poultry Industry Inc., 2014,
Given this level of scrupulous attention: Jennie Schmidt, “The Truth About GMOs,” Boston Review, September 6, 2013,
The Plenish beans have clearly been: Jennie Schmidt, “GMO Versus Non-GMO: The Cost of Production,” The Foodie Farmer, December 29, 2014,
“We’ve had folks ask us”: Marc Gunther, “GMO 2.0: Genetically Modified Foods with Added Health Benefits,” Guardian, June 10, 2014,
Clearly, the companies that both: Sandy Bauers, “DuPont Develops New Cooking Oil from Genetically Modified Soybeans,” Philadelphia Inquirer, January 4, 2015,
In the fall of 2014, DuPont Pioneer and Perdue AgriBusiness: “DuPont Pioneer, Perdue Announce Doubling of Acreage for 2014 Plenish High Oleic Soybean Program,” Pioneer press release, November 18, 2013,
“We’re always looking for ways”: “DuPont Pioneer, Perdue AgriBusiness to Double Acreage for 2015 Plenish High Oleic Soybean Program,” Perdue press release, October 24, 2014,,%20Perdue%20AgriBusiness%20to%20double%20acreage%20for%202015%20Plenish%AE%20high%20oleic%20soybean%20program; Sean Cloughery, “Delaware Officials Get Behind Popular Plenish Beans,”,
“There is no ‘one’ system”: Jennie Schmidt, “Farming Techniques Do Not Belong to One Farming System,” The Foodie Farmer, June 5, 2015,
“Because this is spraying and not dousing”: Jennie Schmidt, “Spraying Isn’t Dousing,” The Foodie Farmer, June 15, 2015,
In the Chesapeake Bay watershed: Timothy Wheeler, “Sodden Fields Delay Planting of Cover Crops to Aid the Bay,” Baltimore Sun, November 21, 2009,
Indeed, they note, the word is featured prominently: “Our Commitment to Sustainable Agriculture,”,
“Industrial agriculture today”: André Leu and Ronnie Cummins, “From ‘Sustainable’ to ‘Regenerative’—The Future of Food,” Common Dreams, November 10, 2015,
Chapter 10
“There are two spiritual dangers”: Aldo Leopold, A Sand County Almanac and Sketches Here and There (1949; Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1989), 6.
But given that by the end of the century: Whitty, Jones, Tollervey, and Wheeler, “Biotechnology: Africa and Asia Need a Rational Debate on GM Crops.”
“Over the last few years”: “Del. Farmers’ Market Sales Double in 5 Years,” WBOC News, December 26, 2014,
Thanks to a national surge: Stephanie Strom, “USDA to Start Program to Support Local and Organic Farming,” New York Times, September 28, 2014,
As helpful as this has been: Brad Plumer, “The $956 Billion Farm Bill in One Graph,” Washington Post, January 28, 2014,
Gaps can be reduced further: Sarah Yong, “Can Organic Crops Compete with Industrial Agriculture?” Berkeley News, December 9, 2014,
A thirty-year study: Bill Liebhardt, “Get the Facts Straight: Organic Agriculture Yields Are Good,” Organic Farming Research Foundation 10 (Summer): 1, 4–5; Pimentel, “Changing Genes to Feed the World,” 815.
But into this vacuum: “Mission 2014: Feeding the World,” Massachusetts Institute of Technology,; Trish Popovitch, “10 American Cities Lead the Way with Urban Agricultural Ordinances,” Seedstock, May 27, 2014,
Using a gene-silencing technique: Tom Philpott, “The Seven Biggest Food Stories of 2015,” Mother Jones, December 30, 2015,
And then there are GM animals: Maggie Fox, “Lab-Grown Meat Is Here—But Will Vegetarians Eat It?” NBC News, August 5, 2013,; Kat McGowan, “This Scientist Might End Animal Cruelty—Unless GMO Hardliners Stop Him,” Mother Jones, September–October 2015,
“We’re going to see a stream”: Amy Harmon, “Open Season Is Seen in Gene Editing of Animals,” New York Times, November 26, 2015,
A recent story in National Geographic: Elizabeth Royte, “How Ugly Fruits and Vegetables Can Help Solve World Hunger,” National Geographic, March 2016,
Pesticides and herbicides are not (technically): See Charles Benbrook, “Trends in Glyphosate Herbicide Use in the United States and Globally,” Environmental Sciences Europe 28, no. 3 (February 2016),; Mary Ellen Kustin, “Monsanto’s Glyphosate Weed-Killer Is Pervasive, GMO Labels Nonexistent,” Environmental Working Group, April 10, 2015,; Mary Ellen Kustin, “Americans at Greater Risk of Glyphosate Exposure Than Europeans,” Environmental Working Group, February 3, 2016,
The page numbers in this index refer to the printed version of this book. The link provided will take you to the beginning of that print page. You may need to scroll forward from that location to find the corresponding reference on your e-reader.
A (adenine), 80, 82, 83
Achitoff, Paul, 20
ADHD, 136
Adler, Peter, 146–47
ADM, 50
Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations, 30
Aedes aegypti mosquito, 277
Afghanistan, 55
Africa, 5, 13, 26, 121, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 187, 188, 190, 197, 202, 216, 222, 225, 226
Agent Orange, 35, 52, 69, 127, 129, 141, 154
ultural stewardship,” 234
Agrigenetics Inc., 145
Agrobacterium tumefaciens, 89
agrochemical’s influence, 3, 5, 6–8, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, 21, 29–31, 36, 38, 39, 43–44, 48–49, 57, 58, 59, 60–61, 68–69, 75, 94–95
“agroindustrial philanthrocapitalism,” 187
aina (that which feeds us) warriors, 159, 176
air pollution, 53, 131, 133, 136, 139, 140, 165, 217, 219
alachlor, 132
Allen, Will, 267
allergies, 26, 27, 38, 57, 208, 250
Aloha da Vote festival, 173
Altered Genes, Twisted Truth (Druker), 69
alternatives to industrial farming. See fruit
America and GMOs, 3–4, 8, 9–10, 11, 12, 13–14, 17, 21, 23–24, 28–29, 32, 34, 37, 38, 188, 197, 255, 256, 275
See also corn; genetically modified organisms (GMOs); soybeans
American Academy for the Advancement of Science, 23
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), 138
American Association for the Advancement of Science, 40
American Meat Institute, 64
Amish, 242, 245
ammonia, 52
Amoco, 192
Anderson, Paul, 182–84, 186, 188, 196, 237
Anheuser-Busch, 210
animals, GM, 276–77
annuals, problem with, 214–19, 221
anti-GMO movement, 6
fruit (alternatives to industrial farming), 196, 201, 227, 241, 254
roots (basics about GMOs), 21, 70, 88, 92
seeds (front lines of GMO debate), 117, 119–20, 123, 125, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 150–51, 155, 159, 163, 169, 173
See also genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
AOL, 129
Aqua Bounty, 276
Arabidopsis, 89–90
Argentina, 34, 149, 197, 198–99
argonauts, 189
Arkansas, 210
Asia, 5, 13, 75, 180, 184, 186, 187, 191, 192, 194, 199, 202–3, 204, 222, 277